Goertek is highly recognized in Vietnam and was recently recognized as one of Vietnam’s 100 Best Places to Work
Vietnam, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Goertek, was recently awarded with the “Vietnam
100 Best Places to Work” for the first time during the Award Ceremony of Vietnam
100 Best Places to Work held in Ho Chi Minh City. The company has also being
listed as part of Vietnam 5 Best Places to Work Across Electronics, sharing the
prestige with Samsung and Sony Vietnam.
Award, jointly issued by business consultants Anphabe and Vietnam Chamber of
Commerce and Industry (VCCI), is based on results surveyed from 57,939
employees of 515 well-known companies across 20 industries.
the relentless pursuit of ?"Working
with the best employees, making premium products, and serving top-notch
customers", Goertek has always integrated the developmental needs of its employees
with those of the company, facilitating their growth to realize their own full value
and potential.